Author Archives: Vanshja Gairola

What’s my name?

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Big Girl Big Panties

Hey there pretty fatsos!

I start this blog today owing to my sudden and desperate desire for anonymity. It is cowardly and all I know, but a girl’s got to do something. I type my first post with my tiny fat fingers to get across a little something about me. I use the word ‘fat’ so much because I have been so closely associated with this word for about four years now that I have started perceiving an uncanny ring to it. And brace yourself because you’re going to read a lot more of this word here.

‘Fat’ is a fat word, isn’t it?  Now when you look at it, it looks so thin, but the effect is indubitably fat. I heard my best friend use that word for me once. And she did not just use it to bad mouth me, she used it as one of the reasons…

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